Thursday 28 August 2014

Oak Island Pit Mystery

One of the most curious human-caused mysteries of the past 300 years is the famous “Oak Island Pit” (aka The Money Pit of Oak Island) which has never been fully explained or fully explored, in spite of almost a dozen well-funded excavation attempts using fairly sophisticated equipment and professional engineers.
What has been found is an extremely sophisticated civil engineering project involving multiple lateral tunnels hundreds of feet long that feed sea water into a deep bore tunnel below a depth of about 90 feet.

Bad Karma in the Dharma

When Indian sage guru Padmasambhava, also known as the Second Buddha, prophesied more than one thousand years ago;
‘When the iron bird flies and the horses run on wheels, the Tibetan people will be scattered like ants across the world, and the Dharma will come to the land of the red men (America)’

The telephone 2

Electrical Sound Recording

In 1924, J.P. Maxfield and H.C. Harrison of AT&T devised the first recording and reproducing system using electricity. Earlier systems had used direct conversion between sound and mechanical energy only. Photo: Early electrical sound recording machine. Using microphones and amplifiers, they extended the reproducible sound range by more than an octave and appreciably improved fidelity. The recording industry adopted electrical recording in 1925 . Victor records popularized AT&T's technology under the name "Orthophonic."